Stan Lee's Saints and Superheroes
I reflect on Stan Lee's life and legacy at First Things: "It was impossible not to look up to Stan Lee if you were a nerdy kid (like me)...
Resisting the Voice of Thanos
I made another appearance on the podcast God and Comics, this accompanied by my wife Leah Libresco Sargeant, chatting with a geeky priest...
Superhero Origins and the Incarnation
I returned to God and Comics to talk about comic book origin stories. Which are our favorites? What trends in origin stories do we find...
The Twisted Genius of Jack Chick
"The comic book world lost a mad master of the form last Sunday. Tributes to him on comic book sites have been mixed in tone. One reads,...
Jack Chick’s Nightmare Theology
Just in time for Halloween, I discussed the "scared-straight"-style evangelical tracts by the late artist Jack Chick. What made these...
Is the Final Joke on the Joker?
With Acculturated gone from the internet, I am reposting some of my Acculturated articles here, in their entirety. Enjoy. Not since the...
The Compassion of Batman
With Acculturated gone from the internet, I am reposting some of my Acculturated articles here, in their entirety. Enjoy. Quite possibly...