Tolkien's Never-Ending Quest
"The red jumps off the page. You’re in the middle of a letter from Father Christmas to the Tolkien children, when all of a sudden, there...

Faith and Dystopia on Doxacast
I sat down to record a conversation with Doxacast, the Christian sci-fi/fantasy podcast associated with Doxacon. We discussed the history...

Terraforming Ourselves
I review Science Fiction: A Literary History: "[W]hat becomes clear from a survey of science fiction’s history is that, if there’s one...

Suffering in the Shadowlands
"The script, based on Lewis’s book A Grief Observed, tells how Joy Davidman, a brash American convert, barrelled into C.S. Lewis’s...

A Song of Vice and Fire
I stopped by First Things to record a podcast on Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire. Julia Yost and I discuss the moral universe...

The Secret Hero of Silence
"Judas hanged himself after betraying Jesus. Kichijiro turns himself in to be locked up with Rodrigues. The other imprisoned Christians...

Judas in Japan
"Scorsese’s foreword fills one with familiar dread. Here is the voice of mock piety, yet another chin-stroking sophomore speculating that...

Silence and Sherlock
At First Things, I'm featured on both segments of this podcast. In the first segment, I talk about Silence (the book and the film) with...

Hast Thou Considered the Heptapod?
"Arrival stars Amy Adams as a linguist named Louise Banks who is tasked with learning how to speak to the aliens who have arrived in...