Authority and the Marvel Cinematic Universe
I was a speaker at Doxacon 2017, a Christian sci-fi and fantasy convention in Washington, DC. My talk was about power & authority, Cap &...

Mother of All Monsters
"There’s something monstrous about living without responsibilities to others. That’s the clearest theme of Colossal, the new film...

Pro-Life, Pro-Truth
"When I speak to my pro-choice friends, I’m often able to find some common ground. They do not necessarily admit that human life has a...

Masculinity and Altar Serving
I was a guest on EWTN's Morning Glory radio program, discussing masculinity, serving as an acolyte, and Donald Trump's so-called "locker...

Making Better Men
"When I ask my friends for their formative, positive male role models, the answers (real and fictional) were often men of quiet...

Trump’s Revolt Against Vows
"Trump’s policies, such as they are, usually come down to America breaking its promises. In the debate, he doubled-down on his previous...